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Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Sad News

So, I just found out last week that one of my former students died. I taught him 2 years ago at Zaharis, and he would have just been entering 7th grade this upcoming school year. He was such a character! Seriously, he was funny and goofy and full of life. What a sad loss. Apparently he somehow "hung" himself??? in a tree house or fort he had made. He wasn't even home--he was up in Flagstaff with his stepdad when it happened. In my 11 years of teaching, this is the first one of my students I know of that has died. I don't like it. Here'a a pic for you to see what he looked like. His name was Harold (I know) Thompson. It makes me want to hug my kids a little bit more, and a little bit longer.

1 comment:

✩Molly✩ said...

i am so sorry to hear about your loss, that is terribly sad. I have known several kids I went to school with who have killed themselves, all of which have been male. They say that for some reason males are more successful with their attempts than females. Again, sorry to hear about the loss of Harold.