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Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Miss Independent (See slideshow)

Brooklyn Dian Crandell...the lowdown

Born: March 12, 2006

Stats: 8 pounds 11 ounces 21 inches long

Info: This one came out STRONG and independent from day one. She was holding her head up and wanting to SEE the world and experience it right from the start She never wanted to be cuddled because that meant not seeing the action (much to my sadness). She wants to be right in the middle of things and is sure that whatever the rest of us big guys are doing, she should be able to do, too. She adores her brothers, but is tough and can fend for herself. She loves to read (never wanted anyone to read to her for so long--she would "read" to herself from the time she was a baby), loves to sing (and makes up songs and sings constantly throughout the house), absolutely loves Baby Signing Time, and can sing and sign most of the content on those DVDs, can count to 15 or 20 depending on her mood, sing the ABCs, and speaks in almost totally complete sentences (leaving out the non-important words like with or and or to..."I want sit there you" translation: "I want to sit up there with you"). She is all girl (much to my joy) and loves to get her hair done and look beautiful (and then loves to show everyone in the house just how beautiful she is, and expects a compliment from everyone), loves cute clothes and shoes, shopping, and jewelry--halleluia!! (I now have my shopping partner in crime!) She's 2 and tall as the day is long--wearing 3Ts and 7 1/2 size shoes. She's been literally off the charts since she was born, always in the 95 - 100th percentile. Luckily, she's also skinny and perfectly proportioned (lucky dog!) She's going to be our piano playing, swimming, volleyball slamming, reading, singing champ!! We love her so much, and can't believe we were lucky enough to have her in our lives.

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