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My Shelfari Bookshelf (These are seriously just a FEW of the hundreds of books I've read lately)

Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Christmas Part Deux

So the other great part about Christmas is spending the day with my family at my sister Dana's house.  We get there about 10 am and hang out until evening.  We play with new "toys", talk, EAT, and enjoy the day.  It's really one of my very favorite days of the year.  So, here are some pictures of that day. (I have more, but it takes forever to put each picture on and then position it, so I'll just put a few). 
Here's Brooklyn with Livy, trying out Owen's scooter. She had a great time!

Here are the 3 sassy princesses on the tramp. Tatum, Olivia, and Maya.  So cute! (Brooklyn's really trying to make it in their ranks.  She got to spend the night with them on Monday and she thought she was in heaven).

Maggie and Troy are sharing a conversation on the phone.  Allyson's blog has a cuter picture than this.  But it was sweet.  Mags loves her Uncle Troy lots!

Here's Coop with his new DS. They played with those lots that day.

And Carter playing with his DS!

Jere and Dixie (both obviously very sassy). Especially Jere. :)

Here's Allyson with her sweet baby Max.  (I have a cuter picture of Max I'll show you.  He's so dang sweet. Always happy and smiley, and very strong.  He is so cute!)

See, there's the cutie patootie! Look at those big eyes and sweet cheeks. Allyson got herself two sweet little babes. (Lucky duck!)

Since I'm always the one taking the pictures I had to beg someone to take one of me.  So, here we are...Troy and Jenny on this great day! I have other shots of family, but I think you get the idea.  We've got puzzles going on (read Dixie's post on that...hilarious!), games being played, football games on TV (where you will ALWAYS find Troy), food glorious food on the table, bike riding, trampoline jumping, ping-pong playing, air hockey playing, and talking and mingling going on all day.  It is truly the BEST. The end.


Hot Diggity Daws said...

Good for you getting in the picture, and looking so beautiful. It takes a mental shift to realize that the mom needs to get in pictures once in awhile or there is no tangible evidence of her presence! :) There is no doubt fun was had by all...

Allyson & Jere said...

Well gosh, I'm blushing with all your gushing love on my babies. They ARE cute, but thanks for saying it. haha Very proud of you and your 4 entries. Woo hoo!!

Sarah S. Foote said...

Great pictures. Looks like a very Merry Christmas.

Cooper & Carter never cease to amaze me. Saturday at the primary activity Day, they chose prizes to give to Mom and Brooklyn instead of keeping something for themselves.
Such Good Boys!