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My Shelfari Bookshelf (These are seriously just a FEW of the hundreds of books I've read lately)

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Long Time No Blog

So....LOTS has been happening in my life, and I've been extra slacker-ish at posting it on the ol' blog. So, here goes! Actually, I may do a series of posts so it's not a huge overwhelming one (for all you readers out there who don't like novels for posts!) :)

In a nutshell, though, these are the things that have happened:

1) My family spent a BEAUTIFUL week in Greer (that will be a post in itself) with my Shumway family, and it was such a great time!

2) My Grandpa Gerald Shumway passed away on July 6, and we just had his funeral this week.

3) I was diagnosed with Diabetes

4) I've gone back to school to start getting ready for the new school year.

So...let me get busy with post-specific items that will include pictures and maybe even some video (if you're lucky!) :)

1 comment:

Susan said...

Hey! Long time no see! Wow. sounds like you have had quite a summer. I hope you are doing ok and manging the diabetes just fine.
