So, I don't really know WHY I don't blog more. I have LOTS to blog about. I have posts going on in my head. I take pictures at all events. And then I come to the computer and just feel...I don't I don't have the desire to write a new post. I check email, facebook, and everyone else's blog. Then I've run out of time once more and log off for the night.
Tonight I decided to bite the bullet and JUST DO IT. (How very Nike of me, right?) I wanted to tell you about a really amazing person I know. His name is Jason. He is my trainer at this amazing little gym I go to called Cross Fit Forever Strong. I was introduced to this gym last year by my brother, Porter.This is Jason with his sweet little daughter Jordyn (who is his twin by the way!)
I had been training for my first ever triathlon, so had been working out quite a bit. It was spring break and my brother challenged me to come try out a really TOUGH really INTENSE workout. I thought I could handle it, so I told him I'd go with him to his gym all week. I had seen Porter's results, and had seen the passion he had about this place, and about this trainer - Jason.
Well...let me just say, that spring break was a turning point in my life. I walked into that gym and I literally never wanted to leave. That first workout was seriously one of the hardest things I'd ever done in my life. He calls it a baseline workout. Anyone who comes in new does this as their first workout. It's a 500 meter row, 40 squats, 30 sit ups, 20 push ups, and 10 jumping pullups all in a row, as quickly as you can. I think I did it in 8 minutes something. I almost threw up. (When Troy did his baseline, he DID throw up! :) Seriously? 8 minutes and I thought I would die. I was hooked.
The premise is that you do short, but very intense workouts that push you beyond your limits. You are timed so you are constantly pushing yourself to go as fast as you can. It uses all your different muscle groups. Some days there is a lot of cardio, most days there is a lot of strength training. Most common exercises are rowing, wall balls, burpees, pullups, pushups, situps, kettle bell swings, squats, lunges, and all kinds of lifting weights with bars.
What makes this gym different, you wonder? It's Jason. It's his heart. It's his passion. His love for what he does, and for who he does it for. It's the feeling of family you get when you walk in the doors. It's people cheering each other on to push harder, or to just finish. It's talking to other people AT THE GYM (who does that in a regular large gym? No one, unless you happen to go with a friend). It's staying after your workout is done just to see someone else finish theirs. It's calling your family members to compare their times with yours and to see who did the workout RX (without any modifications). It's all of these things and more. I don't know how to explain it, but it's a place that makes me WANT to workout. It motivates me. It scares me everyday. It pushes me beyond the limits I place on myself. It strengthens me. It makes me want to puke.
And want to know the best thing? Jason has agreed to train me for my Ironman in May. He is writing me a program that covers everyday of every week for almost a year. He's tailoring it to me, and to any other races I'm doing. He's training me on my running technique. He's helping me pick the right running shoes, and helping me understand better nutrition (which, I might add, I SUCK at completely). And he's doing this because he's passionate about what he does. And he believes in me. He's doing that for no additional charge. He's doing it because he's the kind of person who inspires, teaches, motivates, and does what he does out of a love for people and for their potential. He didn't have to do this, but he's doing it anyway. My training will be different than everyone else's. It's not the conventional, typical Ironman training that just gives you hours and hours and hours on the bike, the run, or the swim. He assures me that I will be just as strong (if not stronger) than the others by training this way, AND I'll have more time for my family, which is the most important thing to me. I don't have time to train like it's another part time job. I have to fit this in to my already busy schedule. He tells me I can, and I believe him.
This place is AMAZING. This guy is AMAZING. And this year is going to be AMAZING. Jason tells me that not only will I finish, but I'll finish strong. It's not about the miles and miles put in. It's about the strength (mental, physical, emotional) to endure and overcome your own obstacles and demons. And he's going to help me get there.
Thanks Jason.
(You can visit his website here: ) When you go there, you can check out the Workout of the Day (WOD) and see just how crazy these workouts are).